See below for information about the Downtown Plan.


Downtown Kitimat is a 35-hectare mixed-use area in the heart of Kitimat townsite, consisting of three precincts: City Centre, Mountainview Square, and Haisla Centre. Together, these areas form the retail and institutional core of the community, providing a diverse range of commercial and government services—and a mix of housing opportunities—that serve the daily needs of Kitimat and Kitamaat residents.

Kitimat's Official Community Plan (OCP) describes downtown as a fragmented collection of buildings with a strong automobile orientation, spread along a series of pedestrian corridors. Community sentiment suggests that the area could be strengthened through improvements to the pedestrian realm and key focal points as well as form and character of buildings.

Project Over

The District of Kitimat began a project in 2018 to update the Downtown Kitimat’s Design Guidelines, which were last updated in 1994. When initiating the project, the District decided to expand the scope to include the creation of a Downtown Plan in addition to new Downtown Design Guidelines. Consultants from MODUS Planning, Design, and Engagement were hired to assist in the creation of the plan and design guidelines. In 2021, the Downtown Design Guidelines were completed and approved and included in Kitimat’s Official Community Plan on September 6th, 2022. The Design Guidelines provide a standard of quality for all improvements within Downtown Kitimat – specifically related to the form and character of development. The guidelines are further intended to facilitate a more transparent and streamlined development approvals process by providing applications with a set of guidelines for form and character of development, which will be used by District staff to evaluate development applications.

The Downtown Plan was last presented to Council in January 2021 when the Downtown Design Guidelines were still intended to be included as a part of the plan. The Downtown Plan and the next steps of the project are still being drafted but at the last meeting the plan was presented to Council, a vision and design principles for downtown Kitimat were approved.

Vision for Downtown Kitimat

Defined by its unique heritage masterplan, Downtown Kitimat is a reinvigorated community heart. Transformed by infill development, new investment and revitalization efforts, pedestrian-friendly streets connect the community with downtown. New downtown residents bring life and add vibrancy to gathering places and a renewed civic pride in Downtown Kitimat

Design principles


Prioritize people through (re)orientation of downtown development and the creation of high-quality pedestrian spaces.


Encourage the development of complementary uses within the Downtown, including residential and additional commercial/ retail offerings.


Encourage the development of complementary uses within the Downtown, including residential and additional commercial/ retail offerings.


Enhance connections and wayfinding within and beyond Downtown Kitimat, linking pedestrian spaces and gathering places to the larger landscape and natural setting.


Employ thoughtful architecture that honours Downtown Kitimat's historically unique mid century modern form and character or complementary designs that add variety to the built environment.


Partner with community stakeholders and local First Nations in the planning, design and development of Downtown Kitimat.

Key questions

  • General
    • What opportunities do you see for downtown Kitimat?
    • What challenges do you experience?
    • What are your favourite places?
    • What places do you feel need improvement?
  • What does a vibrant downtown mean to you?
  • How can we make downtown a more liveable, successful, people-friendly place?
