
District, Haisla sign friendship agreement

14 June 2024

The District of Kitimat and Haisla Nation Council are celebrating the conclusion of a two-year relationship building project with the signing of a friendship agreement.

The agreement was signed at a celebration at Minette Bay West Park on Sunday, June 2, 2024.

The agreement, which has been named gi guáƛap̓ nis (meaning working together / helping each other), is the result of the work the District and Haisla have done through the Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) program. CEDI is a national program delivered jointly by Cando (the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).

The program in Kitimat, launched in March 2022, is a facilitated, collaborative process to approach economic development opportunities through a respectful, equitable partnership involving the District of Kitimat and Haisla Nation Council.

As the facilitated CEDI process ends, it was important to set the framework for continuing work.

“Our friendship agreement means we will always have a space to share ideas and plans for thoughtful development in the Territory,” says Chief Councillor Crystal Smith. “All our communities benefit from this new way we can work together in an environment of respect and inclusion.”

Kitimat Mayor Phil Germuth also expresses the significance of the agreement.

“This friendship agreement means we have the foundation for all the work we will continue to do with Haisla,” says Kitimat Mayor Phil Germuth. “We have the plan, the principles, and the people in place to never lose sight of the value of a healthy and strong relationship. This is a good thing for the people of both communities.”

The CEDI process has had a number of successes to date, including:

  • Strengthened inter-governmental relationship through monthly Working Group meetings.
  • Launch of an Indigenous Hiring Program at the District, and the creation of a new Indigenous Relations Manager position at the District.
  • Collaboration for the installation of Haisla art panels and a totem pole at Haisla Bridge.
  • Joint planning for community events, including National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrated jointly with formal opening of Minette Bay West Park.

An Indigenous Relations project page on the District of Kitimat’s Get Involved Kitimat page – – will be published in the coming weeks to provide ongoing District-Haisla relationship updates.


A copy of the Friendship Agreement is available on our website at