The Kitimat Municipal Landfill is filling up.

Our landfill is currently in Phase 2, its final phase. It is a substantial investment to bring our landfill into compliance.

Along with a new scalehouse opening in October, an amended solid waste bylaw has passed (on Tuesday, October 3) to add a cost-recovery structure through tipping fees.


Landfill updates

Quick Poll

Do you use the full curbside waste collection service of garbage, food waste, and recycling?

This poll has concluded.

  • Yes
    86% (19 votes)
  • No
    14% (3 votes)
Total Votes: 22


Fee schedule

Waste Category202320242025
Garbage$50 / tonne$75 / tonne$100 / tonne
Construction and Demolition Waste$50 / tonne$75 / tonne$100 / tonne
Land Clearing Waste$50 / tonne$75 / tonne$100 / tonne
Mixed Load$50 / tonne$75 / tonne$100 / tonne
Controlled Waste
Asbestos$50 / tonne$75 / tonne$100 / tonne
Asphalt$25 / tonne$37.50 / tonne$50 / tonne
Concrete - no rebar$25 / tonne$37.50 / tonne$50 / tonne
Concrete - with rebar$50 / tonne$75 / tonne$100 / tonne
Dead Animals and Parts$50 / tonne$75 / tonne$100 / tonne
Septic Sludge$20 / tonne$30 / tonne$40 / tonne
Soil Suitable for Onsite Use$25 / tonne$37.50 / tonne$50 / tonne
Soil Not Suitable for Onsite Use$50 / tonne$75 / tonne$100 / tonne
Restricted Waste
Appliances (Ozone depleting substances (ODS) Containing Product)No charge
Automotive BatteriesNo charge
Clean WoodNo charge
Propane Tank and Compressed Gas CylinderNo charge
Scrap MetalNo charge
Tires on Rims (light truck and cars)$20 / tire$20/tire$20 / tire
Tires (rimless) (light truck and cars)No charge
Yard WasteNo charge$20 / tonne$20 / tonne

* Please note these details to our landfill fees:

a. the minimum charge for depositing Dead Animals and Parts is $110.00.

b. the minimum charge for depositing Asbestos is $165.00.

c. a surcharge of fifty (50) percent will be applied to Mixed Loads.

d. a handling fee of $75 will apply to dispose of Auto Hulks.

e. a handling fee of $10 will apply per Mattress (any size).

f. *Septic Sludge will be accepted free of charge from residential premises in the Cable Car Neighbourhood, Strawberry Meadows, and from 1846 to 2727 on Kitamaat Village Road.