
Economic Development Strategic Plan is adopted

6 November 2023

We need more [blank], you say!

Whether that [blank] means art studios, coffee shops, or, maybe, even skydiving services there's something you probably would like to see in Kitimat.

Earlier this year the District underwent a process to gather feedback from the public and interested parties to know what the big vision for Kitimat is.

The result is the five-year Economic Development Strategic Plan, adopted at a Special Meeting of Council on October 30.

A copy of this document is available on our Strategy's project page and covers some big goals to make Kitimat more liveable, enterprising, and, taking this straight out of the report, a "Cool Place."

With this new plan in hand, we can start to make things happen which incorporates the vision of so many in the community who provided their feedback.

Check the link above to read the document today.