
Public Notice - Disposition of Land

10 January 2025

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter, the Council of the District of Kitimat hereby gives notice that it intends enter into an agreement to lease land that is not being made available to the public for acquisition:

PID: 030-713-811

PARCEL A, PLAN PRP3471, DISTRICT LOT 6038, COAST RANGE 5 LAND DISTRICT (the “Lands”), having a civic address of 1101 Kingfisher Ave, Kitimat, BC

The proposed disposition is for the lease (the “Lease”) of Lands at the Public Safety Building to the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) for a five-year term (expiry November 2029). The Lease is intended to allow the CBC to occupy space for the continued use of antennas and broadcasting equipment.

Following notice under section 26 of the Community Charter, the Corporate Officer is authorized to execute the agreement.

The Lease provides rent revenues of $2400 annually and the District of Kitimat utilizes a portion of the antennas for its communication equipment.

Public Notice

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