In August 2021, Kitimat Council approved the establishment of a Neighbourhood Plan for Strawberry Meadows. The plan has evolved based on community feedback and input and is now a project to establish policies that will guide the development of this neighbourhood.

Where are we now?

Update: 17 October 2023

A Public Hearing was conducted on October 16, 2023 at Council Chambers prior to a Regular Council Meeting.

At the Regular Council Meeting Strawberry Meadows Neighbourhood Policies Official Community Plan Amendment, Bylaw No. 2042, 2023 was given third reading and adopted. Click here to review the Bylaw on page 21 of the October 16, 2023 Regular Council Agenda.

First and Second Readings for Strawberry Meadows Neighbourhood Policies Official Community Plan Amendment, Bylaw No. 2042, 2023 were given during Special Council Meeting held on September 11, 2023. Click here to review the staff report and the draft bylaw starting on page 9.

Based on the revised planning process, draft policies were presented to Council for discussion during the Committee of Whole meeting held on August 28, 2023. Click here for staff report, starting on page 9. Click here for the approved council motion on page 3.

Key dates

Key Dates

Monday 16 October 2023

Public Hearing held and OCP amendment adopted

A Public Hearing was held October 16 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the Strawberry Meadows Neighbourhood Policies Official Community Plan Amendment, Bylaw No. 2042, 2023.

Following the Hearing, Council discussed and adopted the OCP amendment bylaw.

Monday 11 September 2023

First and Second Reading for OCP Amendment

At a Special Meeting of Council, Kitimat Council approved first two readings of the Strawberry Meadows Neighbourhood Policies Official Community Plan Amendment, Bylaw No. 2042, 2023.

Monday 28 August 2023

Presentation of Strawberry Meadows Neighbourhood Policies

On August 28, 2023, staff presented the draft Strawberry Meadows Neighbourhood policies as part of Phase 4 of the revised Strawberry Meadows Neighbourhood Policies project timeline. Council discussed and approved motions on each policy, and directed staff to bring back to Council the amended policies as Official Community Plan amendments through the following motion: “THAT the draft administrative policies or Official Community Plan amendments be brought forward to address the supported policies as presented in the August 16, 2023 Strawberry Meadows Neighbourhood Policies report.” (C23-076)