
New year marks next changes at Kitimat Landfill

21 December 2023

Key Points:

  1. The $5 flat rate for residential waste at the Kitimat Landfill goes into effect January 2, 2024.
  2. From February 5, two curbside garbage containers will be allowed per collection. Garbage container tags, at $3 each, will allow up to an additional two bins on collection.

The District of Kitimat continues with changes to promote less waste in the community while implementing cost recovery phases to the Kitimat Landfill.

The next step in changes to the Kitimat Landfill begins on January 2, 2024, when a minimum $5 flat fee applies to all residential loads to the landfill. This covers all waste up to 100 kg, with a per tonne rate applying to any loads greater than that.

The landfill will be closed on January 1, 2024 for New Year’s Day.

Households which pay the municipal garbage tax levy will be provided four free passes each year to the landfill, up to the 100 kg weight. These will be mailed to Kitimat households in the new year.

For more information about the current schedule of landfill fees, visit

Curbside collection will also see changes in the new year. Starting February 5, residents will be able to place up to two garbage containers (maximum of 121 litre containers each) to the curb each garbage collection day. This is a change from the currently allowed three. This aligns with many other B.C. communities which have implemented similar limits to their curbside collection.

When this goes into effect in February 2024, residents can place up to two additional garbage bins for collection using garbage tags, available for purchase from the Kitimat Municipal Offices. These tags will cost $3 each.

Kitimat set direction on updating and modernizing its waste collection and management program with a 2020 Solid Waste Management Report. A June 2023 technical memo also outlined a framework for creating a cost recovery structure for use of the landfill.

Since setting out to tackle local waste management, the District of Kitimat has:

  • Developed a robust curbside collection program to collect garbage, recycling, food waste, and yard waste.
  • Successfully diverted a large segment of waste to more appropriate facilities, and away from the Kitimat landfill, through our curbside program.
  • Implemented a sustainable, responsible cost-recovery model at the landfill for those who require extra use of the facility.
  • Begun work to complete a composting facility right at the Kitimat Landfill, ready in 2024.

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